Founders | Chad and Monica Fisher

Letters from the Founders

“If you know me - you know I’m passionate about seeing lost people saved, broken people restored, and hurt people healed. 

As a little boy, I endured the hell of sexual abuse at the hands of an extended family member.  For many years it caused me to battle feelings of worthlessness and being alone. 

But in 2006, Jesus saved my life.  But He did more than that - He healed my broken heart and freed me from the shame of the abuse.  Reality is, I’ve been preaching almost since the day I was saved. As an adult I’ve told my story of being healed from the abuse.  And what’s been the biggest shock of my life is the reality that I’m not alone. Literally, around the world, in churches near and far, I’ve encountered people who are survivors of terrible childhood trauma.  

Many years ago, there was a dream birthed in my heart that God would allow me to be what I wished I had had, in a different season of life.  I’ve dreamed of the day I could speak into little boys and girls like me - tell them that they aren’t alone - and introduce them to a God who can heal their broken heart.  

Restore the Wonder Ministries is the fruition of that dream.  My wife, Monica and myself, along with our three daughters are giving our lives and finances to see wonder restored to broken hearted children.”

- Chad Fisher

“I know the love of Jesus is life changing and can heal the deepest of hurts. James 1:27 says, “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” Our goal for camp is to give one on one intentional attention to every camper. We want them to feel the love of Jesus through us and to know that they are seen, known, and loved.”

-Monica Fisher